Favorite Place

One of our Thanksgiving rituals is to show gratitude for a favorite place that we remember as a child.  My answer is always the same and it brings forth so many overwhelming and nostalgic feelings with it. It is where I realized what a home can truly mean.  It is a place to gather with loved ones, share a meal and it is a soft place to land. The smells are familiar; the scent of a ham in the oven or even the smell of the bar of Caress hand soap. You can hear the sound of the Brewers on a radio placed in the kitchen and at one end of the home there is a backdoor.  I often think about how some of the most influential people in my life entered through my Grandparent's backdoor. Many gathered there and used their backdoor because you were always welcome and you were always loved! I was blessed because one day in 1953 my grandpa built a home which many years later became the place where so many memories were created.  Memories that I hold onto tightly as an adult. When I am missing my grandparents, I can picture my grandma at her stove stirring her chicken noodle soup, or my grandpa in his basement or garage. "Pops" as the community called him was a "maker" long before a marker space was something people know by name. There is a quote "home is where your story begins", I wonder if my Grandpa knew when he built his home how many stories would begin there and that they would span over two generations. That backdoor is the one place that I wish that I could walk through once more but this time with my own family.

As a realtor, I hope to guide people to their home where they can begin to create memories and enjoy a loving space that is the foundation for their family. This blog will be used as an online tool to educate you on each step of the home buying process. My goal is to educate you on the home buying process, offer information throughout every step and to guide you to the home that you dream of. I pledge to help you even after you have closed on a home, because after your closing, your story has only just just begun.


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